Release 3.7.1

Image Upscale

July 04 2024
  • Double image resolution with 2k upscale
  • Perfect for web banners, profile images and prints

Release 3.7

Introducing Presenter Mode

March 27 2024
  • Create virtual presenter video on any topic
  • Turn yourself into a presenter, no camera required
  • Smart prompt generator to convert idea into image

We all enjoy watching explainer videos, but producing them can be quite a hassle - building the set, picking the right apparel, applying make-up, setting up cameras and lights, practicing your lines, and delivering them concisely and confidently. It’s costly and time-consuming. Sounds like it’s not for everybody. Or, is it?

Today, we are thrilled to announce Presenter Mode, making it easy for everyone to create explainer videos on any subjects, without all the hassle. We hope it will remove barriers for non-native speakers or creators who prefer to use a virtual persona.

Here’s how it works:

Firstly you’ll need a customized presenter. Go to Video Studio and click “Create AI presenter video”, and then click “Create your own presenter”.

We’ll ask for some info to help you create the unique prompt for the presenter image. The more detailed your information, the better the image will suit your needs.

Then you’ll be directed to Image Studio, with image prompt filled in for you. Click “Generate v2” and in a moment, you’ll get a presenter with the right look, in the right setting, all tailored to your given topic. Isn’t that amazing? Feel free to make any modifications and insert your favorite actor into it. Once you are happy with the presenter image, click “Animate” to use the image in Video Studio.

In Video Studio, you can choose a voice (or upload your own audio) for your presenter and decide your camera motion.

Voilà, you now have your freshly made presenter video about Astrology (or any topic you can imagine), created under 5 minutes, without the need for camera, lighting, not even a real actor!

Release 3.6

Introducing Double Shot

March 06 2024
  • Two consistent characters in the image
  • Shot templates for cinematic scenes
  • Improved Director Mode - More diverse poses, better prompt following

After the release of Actor Builder and Character Builder, we received many requests asking if it was possible to create images with two actors/characters. Not a trivial task, but we heard you. Today, we are very excited to announce that it is now possible to support two consistent characters in the same image!

In Image Studio, we’ve prepared several shot templates to help you get started quickly in Director Mode. Each dummy can be adjusted in terms of its position, size and orientation, so you have full control over your storytelling needs.

Double Shot with Actors (consistent faces)

Whether it’s about creating a romantic story with your partner, fantasizing about an adventure with your friend, or creating a cool movie poster with your child, with two actors, you can achieve unlimited creativity while ensuring the faces remain consistent.

Double Shot with Characters (consistent faces + outfits)

In certain storytelling scenarios, you may want to keep the both the face and outfit consistent across scenes, which is also supported in this release! All you need to do is to position your characters and describe their activities and facial expressions.

Double Shot is Perfect for Dialogue Videos

You can create double shots, over-the-shoulder shots, and put your character conversation in action! This helps you keep the characters consistent while preserving the positional relationship between them, so it’s easier for your audience to understand what’s going on!

Director Mode Gets Better

In the previous version, Director Mode struggled with generating rich background and diverse body poses (see images on the left). With this release, we’ve upgraded it so it can better follow your prompts to achieve poses and backgrounds that better match your intentions.

(before and after)

Release 3.5.1

Introducing Consistent Characters from Character Builder

November 29 2023
  • Generate full-body characters in Character Builder
  • Create images with consistent character in Image Studio
  • You can also turn yourself into different characters!

No matter if you are a novelist trying to visualize your book characters, or a screenplay writer hoping to turn your movie script into storyboards, you’ll need your protagonists to look consistent through out the story. Achieve it with AI used to be a challenge. Today, we are excited to announce we’ve made a major progress on preserving character’s look across different scenes.

Create your personal AI cast in Character Builder

In Character Builder, you can create any humanoid characters you can imagine, by simply describing its look in the prompt box. Here I’m creating a senior lady who’s a spaceship commander. I can create different versions of her and choose the version I like as her final appearance.

With this process, you can easily create a crew of your AI characters that suit your storytelling needs, covering different genders, ages, body types, professions and ethnicities.

Create images with consistent character in Image Studio

Now we have our character, it’s time to put her into actual scenes in Image Studio. You can see the character’s visual features are largely preserved across different scenes. We acknowledge that it is still not 100% perfect, and let’s treat it as a starting point 🙂

Additionally, Director Mode can come in handy to help you control the frame composition and character’s orientation.

Bring your character alive in Video Studio

With the scene images created, finally we can head over to Video Studio to put together a full story, animating our character with lip-sync and camera motion. Check out the video below for how the commander spends her day in the spaceship, click here to remix this video.

... One more thing, you can also turn yourself into a variety of different characters!

Once you have trained yourself as a digital actor from Actor Builder, you can generate all kinds of characters with your face applied. Exciting right?!

In conclusion, with consistent character from Character Builder, we are moving one step closer to building an AI film crew so you can tell your stories freely. Give it a try. We look forward to your creations and waiting to be amazed!

Release 3.4.4

Video Studio Supports Voices in 80 Languages

November 10 2023
  • Voices of 80 languages are now supported in Video Studio
  • Newly added premium voices for extra realism and emotions

You can now create your videos in your own language!

Go to Video Studio, click on the “Dialogue” tab, you can see a variety of voices available to be chosen from.

We’ve prepared 80 langagues for your storytelling needs, and a whole bunch of filters to help you quickly find the voice you are looking for.

Ready to make a multi-lanugage video to impress your friends oversea?

Check out this sample video below with the same lady speaking 6 different languages, and you can do the same! Click here to remix this video.

Release 3.4.3

Introducing Director Mode

October 30 2023
  • Create images with control over character’s position, scale and rotation
  • Create dialogue videos with control over shot type

Turn on Director Mode in Image Studio

Go to Image Studio, turn on v2 at the top, and turn on the Director Mode toggle, you’ll see a canvas appear on the right. Note that Director Mode is only available for desktop at the moment.

Control character’s position

To move your character around, simply drag the character mannequin to the position you like.

Control character’s scale

You can use the scaling slider to control the size of your character, allowing you to easily achieve different shot types to suit your storytelling needs. Don’t forget to use your Actor for consistent character faces!

Control character’s rotation

Click on the rotation icon to control where your character is facing.

… And, make your cast talk!

Once you have created the shot images, you can go to Video Studio to make them talk. We are building towards cinematic dialogue scenes one feature at a time. Watch the video below and click here to remix this video.

Release 3.4.2

Portrait Generator v2 and Personalized Talkingheads

October 18 2023
  • Stunning portraits v2, 1024x1024 resolution
  • Talking Heads with your own face
  • Batch image deletion

Portrait v2 is now available in Image Studio

Better quality, more diversity, improved style templates and higher resolution (1k). Simply turn on the v2 toggle and select the “Portrait” mode.

Create amazing portraits with your face

You can insert your trained actor to generate personalized headshots in any style! No matter if you want to turn yourself into a space cyborg, an office lady, a cartoon teacher or a jungle warrior, your imagination is the limit!

… And, make your avatars talk!

Once you have created the avatars, it’s time to go to Video Studio to make them talk. Now you have on-demand AI presenters, watch the magic happen! Click here to remix this video.

Oh, one more thing, you can also batch delete the images you don’t need, like this :)

Release 3.4.1

Introducing Actor Builder: Create Images and Videos with Your Face

September 28 2023
  • Be the hero of your own fantasy by visualizing yourself in your images/videos!
  • Train your digital actor with just 10 images
  • Starter and Pro users will get one-time training for free

Have you dreamed of turning yourself into your role-play game character, a celebrity from an alternative universe, or a superhero? Now with Actor Builder, you can become a digital actor and be part of any fantasy you can imagine!

A Quick Walk Through

Firstly go to Actor Builder and upload 10 images of you, give it a name, gender and age, then wait about 10-30 mins until the training is finished.

Next go to Image Studio to create images of you in a variety of settings, outfits and activities. Simply select your actor from “Choose Actor” dropdown or type @actor_name to let it be part of your prompt.

You can also turn the generated images into animated talking videos using Video Studio. Give it a try to see your alter ego come to life!

Note that training an actor is a paid feature due to the large amount of computation it requires, existing Starter and Pro users will get one-time training for free!

We invite you to be a part of this creative adventure, get ready to explore new ways of expressing yourself.

Release 3.3.2

Introducing Artflow v2 Image Generation & New Features for Pro Users

August 31 2023
  • Artflow v2 - higher resolution, higher quality!
  • Exclusive new styles only found in the v2 model.
  • Unlimited v2 creations for Starter and PRO, 1 credit per generation for Basic.
  • Pro users can remix new Video Studio projects for free.
  • Animate your characters - from gallery to Video Studio with one click!

Experience a whole new level of image generation with Artflow’s upgraded v2 model. Now with higher resolution and unparalleled quality, you can create stunning HD images up to 1Mpixels. The advanced AI has even better prompt understanding, resulting in images that truly match your descriptions.

4 pictures with different style

Artflow’s Image Studio is also introducing exclusive new styles only found in the v2 model. Unlock more creative possibilities with these innovative styles designed to spark your imagination, from a classical Storybook illustration, to claymation.

With v2, you get 1 high-quality HD image for just 1 credit with a Basic account. Starter and PRO level users generate v2 HD images with no cost and no limitations, with an active subscription.

Pro users also get free remixing of Video Studio projects. Don’t worry about burning credits to fix a single shot, or to swap a single line in the dialogue

image studio create video with this image example

Bring your image gallery creations to life by animating characters directly within Video Studio with just one click. Select your creation in Image Studio - chose ‘Create video with …’ and give your characters a voice!

We are also deprecating a couple of older voices in Video Studio. Since we introduced them last year, we've made several improvements and now offer a wide selection of voices that sound far more natural. To keep the quality consistent we are saying farewell to them!

The voices that will be affected by this change are: Amber, Ava, Zende, Emily, Ethan, Evelyn, Gabriel, Gracelyn, Harriet, Jack, Lily, Neysa, Shelby, Solomon, Stone, Thomas, Tony, Trey, Yanna, and Yeepo.

All news
Image Upscale
Introducing Presenter Mode
Introducing Double Shot
Consistent Characters from Character Builder
Multi-language Support in Video Studio
Director Mode: Control over character’s Position, Scale and Rotation
Portrait Generator v2
Actor Builder: Create Images and Videos with Your Face
Image Studio v2: higher resolution, higher quality
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Director Mode - Precise image control of character position/scale/rotation | Product Hunt

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